The Difference Between a Commercial and Residential Auto Tilt Umbrella

Rick Magliano

Whether you’re fair skinned or a tanning machine, everyone can get in on an auto tilt umbrella. They provide shade, protection and coolness. And they look pretty snazzy in one’s backyard. There are three main types of auto tilt umbrella: patio, market, beach and commercial. They’re each specially designed in look and function to meet their varying needs.

Patio umbrellas are the kind you would buy for your home. They are intended mainly for private residential use on patios, decks, etc. More often than not, they fit into patio tables as part of a unit, but sometimes people prefer to own the freestanding umbrellas which rely on a heavy base support. The pole and ribbing is typically made out of aluminum, with finials made from metal bell caps. These umbrellas can be either manual or auto tilt. To operate the auto tilt umbrella, either a crank, collar tilt or shade-dial feature is employed.

Market umbrellas are more expensive than standard patio models, and are thus for use mainly in commercial areas, like restaurants, though they work just as well at home. This type of umbrella has either a single or double vent on top as they tend to be larger. It may be an auto tilt umbrella with aluminum frame and crank mechanism or the pole can be made from wood and operate on a rope pulley system. The market umbrella more often than not is freestanding and thus requires a base.

Beach umbrellas are distinguishable by their uniquely pointed pole ends, which are used for securing in the sand. Most of them are not a type of auto tilt umbrella, mainly because of their heightened exposure to such elements as sand, wind, saltwater, and more. Not having a tilt feature is what allows them to withstand the windy Oceanside environment. Their poles may be made either from aluminum or wood, and they often come with matching carrying bags, especially the ones made for individual and portable use. Their finials are made from plastic bell caps, as metal rusts more quickly with saltwater.

Commercial umbrellas is a broad term that categorizes the different types not for private use under one general, well, umbrella. These versions are similar in that they are constructed to last, made from heavy-duty aluminum frames. They are mass-produced in a variety of colors and patterns, and businesses normally purchase more than one umbrella at a time.

For home use, whatever type of umbrella you choose, take into account the size of your area and what size umbrella will fit there. A 6-foot umbrella has 6 panels and ribs, while umbrellas between 7.5 to 11 feet in diameter have 8 panels and ribs. However, as an exception, the 8.5 standard umbrella has 12 of each. The maximum size umbrella is 11 feet wide.

After you pick out the size and type, make sure to care for your auto tilt umbrella so it lasts longer. The best way to do is by closing the umbrella when it’s not in use. Outdoor umbrellas are all made from durable frames and tear and waterproof fabrics, but even that is not enough to protect against damage. In the winter months, bring your umbrella into storage.

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